About the KDA

The Committee has developed a Strategic Plan which is guiding the focus and activities of the KDA.
The KDA communicates regularly with the Shire of Northampton to discuss the needs of our community, put forward projects and ideas, and provide feedback to the Shire about proposals or policies that are being considered. To do this effectively, KDA will consult with members and the community to provide accurate, timely and considered responses. When asked, please participate. The more input we have, the stronger our voice is when it matters.
Events are organised to be social and bring community together. Some events throughout the year are also focussed to give visitors are positive and fun experience in town. Ideas and helping hands for events are very much appreciated.
Want to be involved? New members are welcome. Chat to one of the Committee when you see them around or send us a message.
The Kalbarri Development Association or KDA as it is known by most people, is one of the oldest community groups in Kalbarri. Just to know that the Post Office Box Number is 6, gives you the idea that it’s been around almost since the beginning. Since that time, there have been many iterations of this incorporated not for profit organisation in Kalbarri. It actually started as the Business Men’s Association, then moved it’s objectives more to developing tourism and is now focussed on community development which includes both infrastructure and amenities, and the community of people who call Kalbarri home.
The KDA is organised by an elected Committee, currently chaired by Merilynn Eastland. Other Committee Members are Felicity Graham Deputy Chairperson, Ellen Nightingale Treasurer & Secretary, Lauren Sweetman Events Coordinator, Bev Kemp Markets Coordinator, Felicity Graham, Jo Rabig, Aimee Rhodes, Martin Rodger and Stuart Teasdale. The Committee meets every two months, and a General Meeting is held the months in between. Meetings are held on the last Wednesday each month, 6pm at the KDA and Town Talk Office 5 Kaiber Street.